Graduate Transfer

Article 1-
The aim of this regulation is to determine the principles and procedures related to the transfer of  vocational colleges and distance school associcate program graduates to the faculties.


Article 2- This regulation includes the principles about the transfer of  associate graduates to the faculties and distance education degree programs.


Article 3- This Regulation have been prepared.according to Article 7 of the Law of 2547 (e) of Article 45 of Law No. 4702 with Article added to paragraph (e) 

Application Conditions for Graduate Transfer

Article -4 According to the article 2 the candidates should have graduated at most five years ago in order to apply for vertical transition to faculties. The candidates may enter the entrance exams at most three times. The second class students who have completed all the classes except internship may also apply.


Article 5-
There are quotas in the faculties for the associate graduates of of formal and distance education programs to continue in their field. Those qutotas may not be less than ten percent of the number of students who continues to the vocational colleges without entrance exams. The department and their point types which the graduates of formal and distance education associate programs may apply for he degree transfer are determined by the Higher Education Council by taking the advise of the universities.

Exam Guide and Application Procedures

Article 6- Student Selection and Placement Center ( OSYM) prepares a guide showing the quota for the graduate students who want to transfer to faculties every year. There is also information about how to apply for graduate transfer, how to make preferences, evaluation and placement procedures and the rules. This guide comes into force by the approval of the Higher Education Council ( YOK) . The vocational college and distance education managements are responsible for the control of the documents needed for the application and the delivery of those documents to OSYM and to complete graduation procedures of all students till the end of July and to send GPA’s of all students whether they apply for graduate transfer or not and to OSYM till  1st of August.

Exam and Evaluation

Article 7-  The candidates who completed all the requirements enter an exam consisting of verbal and quantitative sections . In the placement the GPA’s of the students are also evaluated.  Weighted GPA will be obtained from the Associate Academic Achievement Points by participating in the test scores of Vertical Jump Test Score is determined by OSYM.


Article 8- OSYM , places the  candidates  who apply the terms, preferences, quotas and conditions of placement scores in undergraduate programs keeping in mind the places in undergraduate programs. For whatever reason whatever additional placement for remaining quotas will not be made.

Article 9- Undergraduate tuition for students who obtain the right to begin the Undergraduate Preparatory Program is administered by the University. The missing courses from the first and second class are taken by the students. Undergraduate Preparatory Program during the student, the university's teaching and examination regulations shall be subject to. Undergraduate Preparatory Program duration is two semesters. However, students' reading abilities of their courses, lesson programs, instructors and preparedness program taking into account the situation in the Undergraduate Preparatory Program may be extended for the duration of one semester as exceptional. Undergraduate Preparatory Program students who have successfully completed the year are registered to the third class , those who fail are dismissed from the university except Distance Education students. In the programs in which the education is in foreign language students are supposed to pass the exemption exam or to be successful by completing the preparatory program. The students who fail are dismissed from the school.  In the whole education process the students have all the students rights.

Transfer to Open Education
Article 10-
Vocational school graduates and those graduating from vocational programs of Open Education, Open Education degree program in their area for those who want to continue the article 7 of this regulation does not apply. These candidates to the undergraduate programs in their field of Open Education shall retain the right to direct recording. Graduates from different fields is applied to the Undergraduate Education Foundation program. Which Vocational High School graduate directly to the Open License program will acquire the right to register, which will be applied to graduates Undergraduate Preparatory Program Guide is specified in Vertical Jump Test. Open Education programs, admission and registration conditions determined by the relevant universities conduct the program will be announced to the candidates.

Repealed Legislation
Article 11-
This Regulation shall enter into force from the date of 15.10.1999, published in Official Gazette No. 23847 dated "Vocational School and Open University of the Graduates of Associate Degree Programs Continue to the Regulation" is repealed.

Article 12
This Regulation shall enter into force from the date of publication.

Madde 13- This Regulation, the provisions of Executive Chairman of the Board of Higher Education.

This content was issued on 15.01.2014 and has been viewed for 2578 times.