Finance Program

Finance Program

Considering the basic conceptual knowledge in the field of finance and its reflections in practice, the importance of the sector increases.
There is a search for qualified intermediate staff who know economics and finance theories, are interested in mathematics and economics,
and can develop necessary solutions to financial problems with scientific methods, for the staff needed in financial institutions and for
businesses serving in the private sector. The finance program provides the necessary training to train the personnel needed in the sector,
which has a wide employment. Purpose of the Program
Finance associate degree program aims to train financial professionals who will develop necessary solutions to financial problems in the
fields of general economy, public sector economy, tax, budget and accounting, especially in the public sector, and in the private sector,
using scientific methods.

Qualifications of Finance Program Graduates

A graduate of the Finance Program has the knowledge to work in the private and public sectors in line with the needs of the economy 
and is qualified to work in the middle and upper levels of the public and private sectors.
Study Areas of Finance Program Graduates

Graduates of the Finance Program can easily find jobs in branches such as accounting, financial consultancy, and in various positions in the
public sector where graduates of colleges are recruited. Finance professionals can work in local administrations, central and provincial
organizations of the Ministry of Finance, Property Directorates, Tax Offices, and budget and revenue-related units of other public institutions.
In addition, they can work in banks and financial units of private sector organizations or in certified public accountants, certified public
accountants and accounting offices. Apart from the above-mentioned fields of study, the graduates of the program can also work with the title of Independent Accountant and
Financial Advisor by opening an office in their own name after completing the necessary undergraduate education and internship.

Lessons Taken in the Finance Program

In the Finance Program; In addition to the compulsory courses of YÖK, it includes vocational education-oriented courses such as public finance,
basic law, fiscal policy, Turkish tax system, accounting, financial statements analysis, state budget, commercial law. required courses are given.
Graduation Requirements for the Finance Program

Having completed at least 90 ECTS course credits in the first 3 semesters of education, which is foreseen in the curriculum of the program and
successfully completing the courses in the first 3 semesters, and having completed 18 ECTS workplace practice training and 12 ECTS internship
training in the 4th semester, a total of at least 120 Those who complete ECTS credits are entitled to receive a diploma. 3+1 system is applied.
This content was issued on 28.09.2022 and has been viewed for 837 times.